Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Mom, why do I have to wear my helmet."

Here's the reason for wearing your helmet, Jett.

Bed Head

Case's hair is getting long again and we love it, and we really love the BIG morning hair!

Future Riders

Case and Madison

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Camping at Icicle

Last weekend we went camping up at Icicle River with my Mom and Dad, Derrik, Mitch, and Jordyn. We all had so much fun, even me. Some of my best memories as a kid were camping with my family but as an adult it hasn't seemed like so much fun,(I like my comfortable bed, a shower and my kids bathed and clean), and the few times Lynn and I have tried we haven't had the greatest experiences. But it was a lot of fun this time. Hmmm.... part of that could have been the fact that we went up a day after my parents so they had everything set up for us when we got there & they packed and cooked all the food. We helped clean up the campsite and take down tents but that was it. Thanks mom and dad! We really did have a great time, kids filthy dirty and all, and here's a few pictures to prove it!
Case, Jett, and Gage with the headlights grandpa bought.
Case helping dad start the fire.
Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows for smores.

Uncle Derrik paying catch with Case and Gage.
Grandpa Kent and his shadow Jett.
The boys taking a break.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Jett!

Jett turned 5 yesterday!! It's our family tradition that whomevers birthday it is they
get to pick where they want to eat dinner at, which usually ends up being McDonald's
or Burger King (depending on what the toy is) and Jett didn't let us down, he wanted
to get happy meals from Burger King and eat at the park, which made all the kids
happy. Then we came home and had cake and ice cream and opened presents. Jett is
such a funny, determined kid. He makes us laugh out loud everyday, he is such a
great buddy to both of his brothers. It's been a great five years with him and we love
him so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JETT!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Baby

So we babysat 6 month old Cy last week and Case is always so cute and sweet with him. Calls him baby Cy, wants to constantly give him kisses, and his pacifier, bottle, birpcloth, whatever. Case is definitely the baby in our family, he bullies Gage and Jett and screams and usually gets whatever he wants from them and us so it is so nice to see him so sweet with Cy. Well when Will brought him over he brought his Bumbo chair for him to sit in and Case wanted to sit in it and play with it. As soon as he quit I attempted to put Cy in it only to have Case scream and yell "don't want to", which is his response to most things these days. So I got our old bouncy chair out and put Cy in it which also ticked Case off because he knew that was his. So I took Cy out of the bouncy chair and put him in the Bumbo and buckled Case in the bouncy chair and he was happy as can be. Got to love spoiled 2 year olds.