Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Air Show

We've been having a great relaxing summer, we haven't done a lot but we've had fun. The kids and I go to the pool almost everyday for a couple hours and swim and play with friends. The kids have a blast and they burn a ton of energy which I love. A couple weekends ago we went out to the airport for a Veteran's Memorial Air Show and it was pretty fun. We saw about a dozen cool old war planes and got to walk through a C-17 which all the boys thought was cool. Then we watched Grandpa and Uncle Mitchel take helicopter rides.


Scott & Tami said...

I just talked to my mom and she said she saw you at the I thought I'd check your look hot!!! I love family photos. We're coming up for fair week again...I'm sure we'll see you at the pool again.

melanie said...

How did I not know about this? Nathan keeps asking if we have air shows around here. Oh well, maybe next one huh? Great photos, I can see the boys loving it out there. I know mine would. Oh the pool, are you sick of it yet?