Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gage's Birthday Party

This year for Gage's Birthday he got to have a "friend" party instead of a (much easier, less expensive and lower stress) family party so he was pretty excited. He has a great group of friends and it was fun. Gage wanted an Indiana Jones themed party, which worked out well since that seems to be theme in our home lately. This is his cake, Indy running from the boulder.We played a few games and were reminded how competitive 2nd graders are.Then opened presents and had cake, then went outside to run.
Poor Case could not figure out why he didn't get any presents, and why nobody was singing happy birthday to him. He struggles a little not being the center of attention and in the middle of everything and it drives us all a little crazy at times, and Lynn says he needs to apologize to Larry because he's sure he was probably exactly the same way, but even with Case squeezing his way in and trying to steal the attention the party turned out good and Gage had a great time.


Melissa Telford said...

What a fun party! I haven't had to do the friend party yet, but I may call you for ideas when it's time--way cute cake!!

Katie said...

No pun intended, but that cake totally ROCKS. I will pass along the apology to Larry but I think it was easy for him since he is a good 5 years older than Lynn. It's harder for siblings closer in age.

aaron and meg facer said...

What a cute idea for the cake! Was that a pretzel whip? Very impressive!

Marchant Mayhem said...

yah.. I just have to "third" it... your cake is awesome. My son Tanner (same age) is totally into the Indiana Jones lego stuff. SUPER cute stuff chica! hope all is well, your fam is so stinkin cute!!