Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The last days of school

We went to the school's aquatic center day.

Jett and Mrs. Gipson and Mrs. NashGage and Mrs. Stoltman The boys both had a great year, they both do well in school and both like it. Their teachers were both great. Jett's kindergarten teacher Gage had also and as much as I dread Case leaving me and going to school in couple years I look forward to him having Mrs. Nash and it makes the thought of him leaving me a little easier. Now hopefully she doesn't move, it may traumatize me more that my kids!
My Dad took Gage and Jett camping the day school got out and Lynn and Case and I headed up the next night and spent a night. We took the kids camping a couple weeks ago and Gage and Jett said that camping with Grandpa was way more fun than by ourselves. That could have something to do with the fact that Grandpa never says NO to anything. But Lynn and I had more fun with Grandpa too, so we weren't to offended.

Oh and we tried this again.........and quit, again........oh well maybe next time. I'm saying third times the charm..........(hopefully!) We are ALL so glad school is out and summer is here. We are ready for no obligations, no early nights or mornings, no sports, no scouts, we are ready for a break from everything. I'm glad to have the kids home with me and Case is so glad to have his brothers home all day.


Anonymous said...

I love your photos! And this just confirms it...Lynn needs a little pink in his life! where do we buy one of those girls at?? I'm kidding! It's great to keep in touch this way.

Melissa Telford said...

It looks like your summer is off to a great start! Your boys are so of these years we need to get the Waggener family together so our kids can meet and play. Cade desperately wants boy cousins!

Unknown said...

super fun! you guys never slow down, not for a minute. your pictures are awesome. I love the one with lynn, the look on his face says. would you just take the picture already?!!

i Never Ever get that look from Jeremy {insert sarcasm}

Scott & Tami said...

Your kids are so cute and getting so big!!!